Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Last Post Here...

After careful thought I desided to start another blog. One without commercials or what, in my mind, was overly vain. Of course, no matter what or how I blog, it's all vainity, but in the new one I will try to focus on the deeper issues of spirituality as they pertain to my path to serve God. This will not be an easy task, but it's one I feel I must, at the least, attempt.

I have moved some of the original posts from here to there. If anyone wishes, it can be found at http://adventuresincatholicism.blogspot.com/


Sunday, May 08, 2005

Psalm 23

I discovered this yesterday and felt I should link to it. This has always been one of my favorites...


Saturday, May 07, 2005

Something to Think About....

To be holy does not mean being superior to others; the saint can be very weak, with many mistakes in his life. Holiness is this profound contact with God, becoming a friend of God: it is letting the Other work, the Only One who can really make the world both good and happy.

Cardinal Ratzinger

Friday, May 06, 2005

Holy Spam?

(pardon me while I rant)

Every few years I have to change email accounts due to spam. This drives me nuts. My last e-address became over run with porn spam because of my over use of...well, porn. I have changed my ways in that regard and changed my e-address. Now I'm getting the other kind. The ever so evil capitalist spam. Just before my re-conversion to the faith, I tried to start an online business and in doing so sent my e-mail to various companies in hopes of getting it off the ground. Good Lord!! In the words of Homer Simpson,"Doh"! This new flood of crap is just as bad. Instead of lust being tossed in my face, the new e-temptation is greed. Credit cards, quickie loans, get rich quick, catch up with the Jones's in no time, no money down, yadda, yadda, yadda....AHHHH!!!

Ok... got that off my chest.

So, what I really want to know is, where is all the Holy Spam? How come some enterprising young seminarian, scary Mormon missionary, Jehovah Witless person, protestant e-evangelist or web savvy church ladies haven't jumped on this yet? Or have I just not run across it? Are people of faith just not rude enough for this approach? This is spam I may even read( before I delete it), just to see what view their pushing. Gads, I may even respond if the Spirit moves me to! Belive me, if I knew how to do something like this ,I would. Really. Except , of course, I would spam the pornographers, the money changers and the e-carpet baggers. Joy! Joy!

But thats just my own rightious opinion, if you don't like it, sue me. Just get that Jesus spam a spam'n.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

This is Just to Cool....

Papa Bear !!! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The Presence

How do I began to explain my joy in feeling the Divine Presence moving and acting in my life? How can one describe how this feels?

At times I can sense It stronger and at other times less so. It waxes and wanes like some cosmic tide. When my mind is focused, empty of temptation and negative thoughts, I can feel Its guiding Grace. It is there during prayer and naturally strongest after receiving the Eucharist.

I have always felt it when I'm in a creative mode (like right now!) or when viewing art. Some would say this is "only" what is described as the aesthetic emotion. In art class I would hold back explaining how my creative process worked. I would though, tell them that the same feeling I have when viewing art work is the same as when I am creating. They still thought I was a bit nuts.(lol) How could I dare tell them that this gift, this talent for creating had origins in the Divine? How could I tell them that I was, for lack of a better word, channeling the Holy Spirit? Is this what happens when one "lets go and lets God"? I have always thought this may be true and now I'm fairly certain of it.

We are created by God, in His image, so it's only natural that the need to create be apart of what we are. No other animal on this planet produces art for its own sake. No creature, other then ourselves, can appreciate beauty. Is this all just apart of higher brain function? I think not...

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

The Vocational Closet

My Mother is heading to France tomorrow, so I went over to her house for diner. I almost ate more than what I should, but I held off. Mostly. After the normal chit chat and my Aunt Belinda had left, I told my sister(hi Rarrie) what was going on with me. She took it like my Mom did. She really didn't know what to say. Although I have an idea what she was thinking(LOL). As time passes I think she will take it more seriously. I'm not to worried about it.

For now her and my mother are the only ones that know about my intentions. I plan to let it out a little at a time, one person at a time and only through me. I hope. Mostly because I want to see the looks peoples faces when I do it.(LOL) So....Rarrie keep it to your self for now...Ok?(LOL)

Oh well, that's all for this evening...


Today I talked to Sr. Mary Gowern, the pastoral associate at Epiphany, about the RCIA program. (LOL) I didn't expect the New York accent, but who would? She's going to talk to the people that run the program and have them call me. She thinks they meet again next Tuesday night. Cool, the next step is in motion.

Monday, May 02, 2005

My Monkey

Temptation is a hungry beast.

Of all my old habits and forms of thought, lust is my worst enemy. Fear and self loathing are easily overcome with Love and Logic. The desire for material things is not problem, because I'm minimalist to begin with. What I don't think I need, I don't buy. Simple. Lust, on the other hand, is a whole different ball game.

Two weeks ago when this journey began, my first act was to purge my computer of all the porn. Most men in this culture have some form of this materiel hidden somewhere in their hard drive and I was not alone in this regard. I used to jokingly refer to my self as an "evil Scorpio"as a statement of my maleness. Although I knew that it was disrespectful to see woman as objects , I did so anyway. Now I am fully aware of the destructive nature of this habit. It's still hard(no pun intended) to encounter a beautiful woman and not think about sex. But as these thoughts appear I am now actively working to ignore them. This is not easy, to say the least, and I know it's going to be an ongoing process, but I have made the commitment to work through it.

I am currently reading St. Augustine's, Confessions, and I'm finding great joy in discovering the saint had to work though the same stuff. In fact, the times in which he lived are not much different then ours. The secular culture of his time was full of the same temptations. He speaks of the theater(TV and movies), the gladiators(sport fanaticism), greed(capitalism)and various forms of teenage rebellion(sex, theft and violence) etc. The way he talks about his personal lust inspires me the most though. It's almost funny to hear him rant about his sinful youth and it would be funnier if the folly of it wasn't so true.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Many Paths Up The Mountain

From the first day of my calling, I've been researching online all the various vocational options. My first thought was to the diocesan priesthood. It WAS the first thing that came into my head when I thought of the religious life. That's only natural. We see the priest in action in the life of the parish. When one thinks of Church...well, you think Father Whatisname. It's a common cliche. And yet as I ponder how Christ wants me to best serve, I think of the gifts that I was born with and have developed in my life. What is most suited for my personality? Where and how do I mesh my talents and needs with what God wants? What will my mission be?

I have met with Fr. Griner at Epiphany, confessed my sins and desire to seek a vocation as priest. I have also met with the Archdiocese vocational director, Fr. Bowling. Both have confirmed what my research online has already told me, I have a few years to discern what what Gods plan is. Beside becoming active in parish life, I need to get confirmed and become more entreached in my faith. I need to clear up my dept and finish school. Ok, that's three years at least. Cool, these are things I want and need to do anyway.

I also knew I needed to take time out any go on a retreat or two. Sweet! I now have a real reason to go to Gethsemani Abbey and chill with the Trappists for a week. Years ago, after I red The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton, I wanted to go visit the monks down in Nelson County. So, I'll be spending a week there, June 3rd to 10th, in prayer and meditation. That's not all, I've also arranged to visit the Benendictines at St. Mienrads during the first week of August. Part of that trip will be to check out the seminary there, but mostly to see the difference between the two orders. And in the spirit of fairness, and curiosity, sometime in the next few weeks, I plan to visit the Franciscans down on Dixie Hwy.

This is going to be quite a busy summer. Joy!!! (lol)